Destiny Wiki

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For Ghosts who celebrate the many traditions of the Dawning.
― In-game description

Winter Lotus Shell is an exotic Ghost Shell which can be equipped by all classes. It can also be transferred between characters using the vault. Winter Lotus Shell can be dismantled to generate Glimmer.


This item has the following lore associated: Some give gifts and light candles. Some write fortunes and release paper lanterns etched with snowflakes and stars. Some sing songs and say prayers and tell stories passed down from the refugee roads. Tables bend under the weight of every kind of food and drink imaginable. The rich tapestry of Dawning festival traditions found in the Last City has only one common thread, but it is the brightest thread of all: we are Humankind. Of those born in the cradle called Earth, we are the last. The nights are long, but we will survive them together. We must not let our light go out.


This item is likely to come from consistent sources, such as loot drops or store purchases. Help improve this article by providing where you found this weapon in Destiny 2.


Winter Lotus Shell can also be upgraded with the following perks:

Column 0[]

Public Defender perk icon Public Defender
Increased loot from public events on all destinations.

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Omni-Telemetry perk icon Omni-Telemetry
Generate Gunsmith telemetry data on any elemental weapon kills.

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Default Shader perk icon Default Shader
Restores your gear to its default colors.

