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Those who have stared into the Void are not bound by the laws of space and time.
― In-game description

Voidwalker is the Void-based Subclass for Warlocks in Destiny 2.

Void 3

Void 3.0 Warlock background.

Light 3.0[]


"The space between defines the shape. The rest before the note, the breath before the word, the blank space on the page."

A chill hit the air, and I looked up from my studies. There was a stillness, an uneasy calm before the storm. An ambush awaited me; of that, I was certain. No time to wonder how my defenses had failed. No time to ponder how they had found my hidden library in the first place. I had only just lifted my eyes from those insightful words on the Void. Now, I'd have to take my first steps upon it and hope I didn't fall right through.

"Seize her," the lead marauder thundered. Through every window crashed enemies intent on my destruction. Time stretched out before me. With a thought, I was at the center of the fray. A gaping, celestial maw drained the life from them. I found my footing: the power of the Void was manifest, yet this was not its full nature.

The next instant, reality snapped back into its traditional rhythm. I was alone once more. The intruders didn't even have time to comprehend their fate. I was barely more enlightened than they were, yet I had gleaned one fundamental truth.

A step upon the Void is a step upon that nothing which can bear the weight.


Nova Bomb Cataclysm icon Nova Bomb: Cataclysm
Hurl an explosive bolt of Void Light at a target, disintegrating those caught within its blast.

Nova Bomb travels slowly and seeks targets. Detonations shatter into smaller seeker projectiles.

Nova Bomb Vortex icon Nova Bomb: Vortex
Hurl an explosive bolt of Void Light at a target, disintegrating those caught within its blast.

Nova Bomb creates a singularity that pulls targets inward and continually damages those trapped inside.

Nova Warp icon Nova Warp
Step between dimensions to subvert the laws of physics.
  • Super Primary: Unleash a deadly Void eruption. A fully charged attack makes targets volatile.
  • Super Secondary: Teleport a short distance.


Class Abilities[]

Healing Rift
Conjure a well of Light that continuously heals those inside it.
Empowering Rift
Conjure a well of Light that increases weapon damage for those inside it.

Movement Abilities[]

Burst Glide
Jump while airborne to activate Glide and start an airborne drift with a strong initial boost of speed.
Strafe Glide
Jump while airborne to activate Glide and start an airborne drift with strong directional control.
Balanced Glide
Jump while airborne to activate Glide and start an airborne drift with both moderate speed and directional control.
Jump while airborne to teleport a short distance.


Pocket Singularity
Launch an unstable ball of Void energy that detonates when it nears an enemy, pushing targets away from the blast and making them volatile.


Axion Bolt
A bolt of Void Light that forks on impact into smaller bolts that seek out targets.
Magnetic Grenade
A grenade that attaches to targets and explodes twice.
Suppressor Grenade
An explosive grenade that suppresses, preventing targets from using abilities for a short time.
Scatter Grenade
A grenade that splits into many submunitions and covers a large area with multiple explosions.
Void Spike
A grenade that attaches to any surface and emits a torrent of damaging Void Light.
Void Wall
A grenade that creates a horizontal wall of burning Void Light.
Vortex Grenade
A grenade that creates a Vortex that pulls targets inward and continuously damages those trapped inside.


Chaos Accelerant Aspect icon Chaos Accelerant
More than emptiness, an emptiness magnifier. The Void passes through, growing ever more like itself.
  • Hold to overcharge your grenade, making it deadlier and more effective.
    • Vortex Grenade: Increases the size and linger duration of the vortex.
    • Axion Bolt: Creates an additional seeker.
    • Scatter Grenade: Has submunitions track to nearby targets.
    • Magnetic Grenade: Releases a short-range Void blast.
Feed the Void Aspect icon Feed the Void
The hunger which derives from absence. Only sustenance can prolong it, yet nothing will ever satiate.
  • Defeat a target with a Void ability to activate Devour.
  • Your Devour effects are improved, restoring additional health and grenade energy.
Child of the Old Gods Aspect icon Child of the Old Gods
In the deepest reaches, a pact made between unknowable entities created something from nothing. It lives on.
  • Cast your rift to create a Void Soul. When you damage a target with a weapon, your Void Soul flies to them and drains them, doing damage and weakening them.
  • When a target is being drained, you are granted grenade and melee energy (if running healing rift) or health (if running empowering rift).
  • Defeating a target who is being drained by your Void Soul grants class ability energy.


Echo of Vigilance icon Echo of Vigilance
Defeating a target while your shields are depleted grants you a temporary Void overshield.
  • -10 Recovery
Echo of Cessation icon Echo of Cessation
Finisher final blows create a burst of Void damage that causes nearby combatants to become volatile.

Defeating volatile targets creates a Void Breach.

Echo of Expulsion icon Echo of Expulsion
Void ability final blows cause targets to explode.
  • +10 Intellect
Echo of Provision icon Echo of Provision
Damaging targets with grenades grants melee energy.
  • -10 Strength
Echo of Exchange icon Echo of Exchange
Melee final blows grant grenade energy.
Echo of Remnants icon Echo of Remnants
Your lingering grenade effects (Vortex Grenade, Void Wall, Void Spike, and Axion Bolt) have increased duration.
Echo of Reprisal icon Echo of Reprisal
Final blows when surrounded by combatants grant Super energy.
Echo of Undermining icon Echo of Undermining
Your Void grenades weaken targets.
  • -20 Disciplne
Echo of Persistence icon Echo of Persistence
Void buffs applied to you (Invisibility, Overshield, and Devour) have increased duration.
Echo of Leeching icon Echo of Leeching
Melee final blows start health regeneration for you and nearby allies.
  • +10 Resilience
Echo of Domineering icon Echo of Domineering
After suppressing a target, you gain greatly increased Mobility for a short duration, and your equipped weapon is reloaded from reserves.

Defeating suppressed targets creates a Void Breach.

  • +10 Discipline
Echo of Dilation icon Echo of Dilation
While crouched, you sneak faster and gain enhanced radar resolution.
  • +10 Mobility
  • +10 Intellect
Echo of Instability icon Echo of Instability
Defeating targets with grenades grants Volatile Rounds to your Void weapons.
  • +10 Strength
Echo of Harvest icon Echo of Harvest
Defeating weakened targets creates an Orb of Power and a Void Breach.
  • -10 Intellect
Echo of Obscurity icon Echo of Obscurity
Finisher final blows grant Invisibility.
  • +10 Recovery
Echo of Starvation icon Echo of Starvation
Picking up a Void Breach or an Orb of Power grants Devour.
  • -10 Recovery

Subclass-Specific Exotics[]

Skull of Dire Ahamkara Icon Skull of Dire Ahamkara
Nova Bomb kills grant Super energy.
Nezarec's Sin Icon Nezarec's Sin
Void kills increase ability regen.
Astrocyte Verse Icon Astrocyte Verse
Improved Blink.
Contraverse Hold
Improved charging for Void grenades.
Nothing Manacles
Enhanced Scatter Grenades.
Improves duration, damage, and durability of Void Souls.

Destiny 2 Ability Trees (pre-Light 3.0)[]


Subclass perk selection.


The streets were chaos. We fell under Cabal bullets and blades; red was the color of the day. Everywhere, red. Darkness found me three times that day and each time Ghost woke me, I woke to ever more red. I looked to the sky, but even there I saw nothing but the red reflection of a civilization burning to ash. Hope faded with the last of my Light; this was where I would meet my final death.

A flash of violet pulled my eyes from down sight. A Cabal ship careened out of the smoke, burning black-indigo. And I saw her, riding the wing, but she was gone in a blink as the ship smashed into the earth. She reappeared in the middle of a legion, and in a second half-heartbeat, rose into the air and dropped an explosion of void the likes of which I'd never seen.

I had believed I was a Voidwalker… until I beheld Ikora Rey.

Warlock Subclass 1 Attunement of Chaos[]

Void Warlock Splash art1
Entropic Pull
Strike an enemy with this melee ability to drain your enemy's life force and use it to recharge your grenade.
Chaos Accelerant
Overcharge your grenade, making it deadlier and more effective.
Void ability kills cause enemies to explode.
Nova Bomb travels slowly and seeks enemies. Detonations shatter into smaller seeker projectiles. Fire your weapon at the Nova Bomb to detonate it early.

Warlock Subclass 2 Attunement of Hunger[]

Kills with this melee ability fully regenerate your health. For a short time afterward, kills restore additional health.
Feed the Void
Consume your Grenade energy to regenerate your health. Grants the Devour effect.
While the Devour effect is active, killing enemies extends its duration and recharges your grenade.
Nova Bomb creates a singularity which continually damages enemies trapped inside. Kills with Nova Bomb grant the Devour effect.

Warlock Subclass 3 Attunement of Fission (Forsaken)[]

Void Warlock Splash art2
Nova Warp
Step between dimensions to subvert the laws of physics. Press sprint to teleport a short distance. Hold and release fire to unleash a deadly Void eruption.
  • Replaces Nova Bomb as subclass Super.
Atomic Breach
This melee ability creates a Void explosion.
Handheld Supernova
Convert your grenade into a short-range Void blast on release.
Dark Matter
Void ability kills grant health and melee, grenade, and class ability energy.


