Destiny Wiki

I am sure we all are wondering the same thing: why is it that Titans are the best class in Destiny? What's wrong with Hunters and Warlocks?

Well, this blog will explain it for you. Titans built the Wall, thus we are the strongest. We prove this by killing stuff with our fists, not puny knives!!! We Titans also get the best in heavy weaponry, such as a machine gun, bazooka, and fists that have electricity. 

Titans also are the best at shooting, as we don't need to aim with those damned snipers. We just shot, and it DIES!!! A wizard bothering you, poor Warlock? aww, Warlock can not kill wizard cause he is coward!!! well, Titans just punch, shoot it, and BOOM! No more Warlock. 

We Titans are also the most honourable, unlike Hunters. We also rarely need help. And we only help other Titans.

Titans also don't need magical powers like Warlocks, nor do we need a Hunters aim. We are WAY too macho for that.

Now that all you Warlocks and Hunters know how pathetic you all are, why not bow too the next Titan you see? And all newbies: BE A TITAN!!! 
