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The Abomination Heist is a Strike in Destiny:Rise of Iron. It takes place on the Moon and is an updated version of The Summoning Pits, from Destiny's original release.


  • Enter the Hive Fortress
  • Push Through to the Gate
  • Open the Gate
  • Eliminate Hostiles
  • Fight to the Summoning Pits
  • Traverse Deeper
  • Enter the Summoning Pits
  • Destroy the Abomination


{Loading screen}

  • SHIRO-4: I'm tracking reports of Fallen Splicers spotted in and around the Hellmouth. Intel suggest they're hunting Ogres. Get down there... make sure they don't snatch up any more fodder for their twisted experiments.


The trio of Guardians land on the far right of the Hellmouth, leading inside.

  • SHIRO: No time for sightseeing, you two—hit the Summoning Pits before the Devil Splicers can grab any more abominations for their Priests to play around with.
  • GHOST: By 'play around', you mean torture, vivisect and disembowel.
  • SHIRO: Well yeah... but when you put it that way, I almost feel bad for the Hive.

The fireteam enters the Gatehouse. There, they may either encounter groups of Hive with traps littering the room, or a platoon of Splicers with a SIVA Turret hanging near the center.

  • GHOST: So why the Hive? Seems like a dangerous fight to pick.
  • SHIRO: The Splicers are playing God. They view SIVA as a means to reshape life how they see fit. The Hive are just victims of the Splicers' willingness to push their curiosity.

The fireteam continues, eliminating Hive traps or SIVA spores along the way. Once they reach the gates of the Hellmouth, they find it locked. Again depending on the strike, they may either find a large number of traps or spores, indicating which species the Guardians may be fighting.

If SIVA spores are present:

  • GHOST: (inattentively) A triptych of Hive runes...
  • SHIRO: It's a lock. Open it.
  • GHOST: (indignant) I'm on it!!
  • GHOST: Splicers! Heading our way!


  • GHOST: Heads up, the Splicers are onto us.

A few groups of Dregs and Servitors pour in through a few of the many doors in the chamber. Once most of them are eliminated:

  • GHOST: The lock's fighting me, like everything else the Hive make. Hold on!

A few more doors open, and a dozen Stealth Splicer Scouts arrive, with several Exploder Shanks in tow. Once that wave is mostly cleared:

  • GHOST: The pattern here is... chaotic. But I think I've figured it out. Just one more rune to crack.

Several Repeater Shanks appear from the rear of the chamber, accompanied by a few Splicer Captains. They are all eventually defeated.

  • GHOST: Rune's cleared! We're through.

If the chambers are flooded with Hive traps:

  • GHOST: You have to admire the Hive's tenacity. They close this gate every time. Every. Single. Time.
  • GHOST: We've got Hive closing in.

A large number of Thrall, Cursed Thrall and a few Wizards appear. Once they're dealt with:

  • GHOST: The lock's fighting me, like everything else the Hive make. Hold on!

Multiple Knights and Acolytes appear on the opposite side. Once they're eliminated:

  • GHOST: The pattern here is... chaotic. But I think I've figured it out. Just one more rune to crack.

Three Hive clouds appear in the center of the chamber, each spawning an Ogre. Behind them is a Major Wizard—Umbra, the Xol Spawn. She and the other Ogres are eliminated.

  • GHOST: Rune's cleared! We're through.

The trio of Guardians make their way further down, encountering Splicers and Hive fighting each other. The Guardians kill them all and continue through the dark tunnels into the bottom of the Hellmouth. An ear-splitting roar shakes the halls.

  • GHOST: You think I'd be used to that by now... I'm not.


  • GHOST: That scream would send shivers down my spine, if I had one!


  • GHOST: That screams reminds me how much I hate this place.


  • GHOST: Have I told you I hate Ogres... lately? Because I do. I really, really do.


  • GHOST: That scream reminds me how much I hate this if I could forget.

The fireteam finally reaches the Circle of Bones.

If the Guardians are fighting Hive:

  • GHOST: Watch your feet! There are traps everywhere!

Filling the room is a large number of Hive, including Wizards, Knights and Cursed Thrall. As the Guardians make their way through, more reinforcements in the form of Acolytes and Thrall push towards the fireteam. Alternatively, the room could be occupied with Splicer groups, including Captains, Dregs, and a SIVA Turret attached to a corner. Splicer Scouts would appear in the back.

The fireteam wipes out the enemies and proceeds to the entrance of the Summoning Pits... only to find it completely sealed off with a wall.

  • GHOST: Uh... we're going to have to find another way.
  • SHIRO: I don't care if you have to hitch a ride on a Tombship, Guardian. I need you in those Summoning Pits!

Next to the docking bay, a Fallen Skiff drops off Splicer reinforcements, and a Hive Tombship appears next to it, unloading a Hive battalion. Seeing their chance, the Guardians jump onto the Tombship, and it disembarks. Depending on the strike, either two Wizards appear, or a Skiff drops off a platoon of Repeater Shanks.

  • GHOST: I don't think Shiro was being literal, but... (nervously) okay, let's take a ride.


  • GHOST: That's a long way down. So—y'know—don't fall.


  • GHOST: Are you...?! Please don't fall.


  • GHOST: Okay, we're doing this! (nervously) We're really doing this?


  • GHOST: I'm pretty sure gravity is an agent of the Darkness, so try real hard not to fall.

The Tombship heads towards the far wall,before teleporting out of the area. The fireteam notices another Tombship heading an an adjacent direction, and jump on it. The ship heads towards a hole in the newly constructed wall, leading directly to the Pits.

  • GHOST: Almost there... let's jump!


  • GHOST: Jump! Before it's too late!


  • GHOST: Get ready to abandon ship!


  • GHOST: Close enough! Get ready to jump!

The Guardians use their movement ability to make their way into the hole, and run into the Pits. The following is dependent upon the type of strike, or the elapsed time.

If Hive traps litter the entrance:

  • GHOST: I'm getting no SIVA readings ahead.
  • SHIRO: You beat the Splicer to the punch, but don't let up. Kill that Ogre to ensure they don't get the chance to claim their prize.

The Guardians hurry inside and find the Hive Abomination chained to the floor. Leagues of Hive guard the enormous creature. After taking enough damage, the Abomination will break from its chains and fight back.

If a SIVA turret guards the hole in the wall:

  • GHOST: I'm detecting heavy Splicer signatures—they're already here!
  • SHIRO: Put the Splicers down, Guardian. And end whatever monstrosity the Hive are conjuring.

The fireteam rush in to find they are late: the Abomination is already loose, fighting against a large number of Splicers.

The trio of Guardians fight against the combined efforts of Hive, Splicer, and Abomination alike. If Splicers are present, Skiffs will occasionally drop off a Captain holding a shoulder-mounted cannon of varying elemental power. If the Hive outnumber the fireteam, a major Knight, known as the Blade of the Pit, will drop a sword of Crota upon its death. The Guardians use these against the Abomination and eventually take it down. Their objectives failed, the Hive and Splicers retreat.

  • SHIRO: Cracking the secrets of Hive bio-weaponry... combining what they learn with SIVA's potential... that would give the Splicers a whole new bag of tricks.
  • GHOST: Sounds like a nightmare.
  • SHIRO: Yes, it does. Good thing you put a stop to it.


  • SHIRO: ...and there's one less abomination we have to worry about. Good work!

Mission ends.


The Hive Triptych

  • Knowing where each wave of enemies spawn can be greatly beneficial—observant Guardians can wipe out an entire enemy platoon in seconds with a well-timed grenade or a charged Super.
  • Heavy ammo should be saved for the final wave—nearly all enemies in that specific group are Majors, which deal heavy damage. Use Rocket Launchers to make short work of them.

The Circle of Bones

  • If Fallen scour the area, make sure to keep an eye on the turret in the corner—players preoccupied with the Splicers may not notice the turret reactivating until it's too late.
  • If a teammate is killed by the turret, destroy the turret first before attempting to revive them, or two Guardians will be down instead of one.
  • If the Hive are the enemies selected in the chamber, make sure to avoid using Rocket Launchers. Hive traps litter the floor, and could ensnare a Guardian right as they fire their missile, leading to an embarrassing death.

The Tombship

  • Boarding the Hive Tombship will immediately spawn either a Skiff with Shanks, or two Wizards, depending on the strike. They will attempt to kill you off their ship. However, if a modifier like Arc Burn or Exposure is on, they will likely succeed instantly. Have you or your first Guardian step onto the ship, then pull back to attack the enemies from a safe distance.
  • Attempting to jump from the first Tombship to the Summoning Pits is a fool's errand. It requires a very high amount of Agility and even more luck. The wise decision would be to drop to the second ship below it and use patience.

The Hive Abomination

  • With the gatehouse locked, hiding inside is no longer an option. Remain mobile as often as possible. Use the walls as cover from the Abomination whenever you can. Focus primary fire onto Thrall and Dregs, and secondary fire on Captains, Knights and Shriekers.
  • A patrol beacon is usually available to transmat in a turret, but it is not recommended. Sitting stationary in a turret will leave you open to attacks from the Ogre itself, as well as several Boomer Knights.
  • Special and/or Heavy Ammo crates are scattered through the area. Communication is vital to ensure that all three Guardians are nearby to benefit from a full magazine refill.
  • While an elemental Shoulder Cannon can cause massive damage to the Abomination, the Blade of the Pit is best used against reinforcements. The Ogre's slam attack can kill a Guardian instantly.

