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Truth lies in the seams between Light and Darkness.
― In-game description

Broodweaver is the Prismatic-based Subclass for Warlocks, introduced in Destiny 2 The Final Shape.

File:Prismatic Warlock background.jpeg

Prismatic Warlock background.


When I was a New Light, our trainers made us meditate for hours on end. Sitting in silence, focusing on a single point: a candle, a mirror, the Traveler in the distance.

I thought we were focusing our Light to manipulate the physical word. But now, centuries later, I finally see what they were trying to teach us. The point is not the Light. The point is THE POINT.

The singularity through which all power flows. Darkness and Light becoming one in an endless cycle, like electrons bouncing between anode and cathode. A prismatic circuit.


Needlestorm icon Needlestorm
Conjure a hail of deadly woven needles.

After embedding themselves in the environment, the needles will re-weave into a host of Threadlings.
Threadlings you create will return to you and perch if they can't find any nearby targets. Damaging targets with your weapons or melee will send out perched Threadlings to attack.


Class Abilities[]

Movement Abilities[]


Arcane Needle Arcane Needle
Sling a woven needle that will embed in your target, unraveling them. Activate your melee ability again to chain up to two additional attacks.


Threadling Grenade Threadling Grenade
A woven projectile that reweaves itself into Threadlings while in flight.




