I can't seem to commune with the Void on a full stomach. Gotta be hungry, starving for best effect. I start getting those pangs, and that's when I hear it, almost like a voice whispering through me. When I first learned that lesson, I thought morning jobs would be a dealbreaker, with breakfast being the most important meal of the day and all. Yet here I am, at the crack of dawn, perched on top of a big ol' tree, fantasizing about my next bite. Not terrible as far as stakeouts go, and if you gotta pay off a debt to a scummy scum-lord, then you're lucky to have a place to sit.
I've got eyes on my mark; have for days. This Kell's finally looking nice and cozy, asleep in the open and surrounded by his servants. Thought they're supposed to be the last line of defense, but they haven't noticed me yet. Guess good help is hard to come by.
I'd have taken the shot hours ago, but I'm supposed to shoot a warning first, so he knows what's coming. That way he "goes out knowing who got him." Warlords love sending their little messages, and it's gonna fall on deaf ears if he's asleep. This guy just keeps snoozing. I envy that.
Which reminds me, I've discovered another little trick to getting in good with that yawning mouth of nothing we call the Void: exhaustion. When I start slipping into that twilight, where I'm not sure if I'm awake or dreaming, I can feel the absence. It's close enough to touch. I guess it doesn't matter if it's literal or metaphorical. The Void just likes it when I'm running on empty.
He's stirring now. Time to get this done. I loose a volley into his bed post. The telltale otherworldly sucking sound—poor guy tries to fight it, but he's got no chance. He looks around frantically for the shooter, then recognition hits his face. That's my cue! …Boom, job done. Can't do that on a full stomach.
Shadowshot: Deadfall
Tether foes to a Void Anchor, weakening and suppressing them for you and your allies.
The Void Anchors fired from Shadowshot pull targets toward the impact point, which then become traps and wait for prey. Void Anchors have increased range and last longer.
Shadowshot: Moebius Quiver
Tether foes to a Void Anchor, weakening and suppressing them for you and your allies.
Fire two volleys of three Void Arrows that seek nearby targets. Shadowshot makes targets volatile and deals increased damage to tethered targets. Defeating tethered targets creates Orbs of Power.
Spectral Blades
Summon a pair of deadly Void blades and stalk the battlefield in a veil of shadows.
Light Attack: Perform a quick melee attack.
Heavy Attack: Perform a heavy attack that weakens your target, and once again vanish from sight.
Class Abilities[]
Movement Abilities[]
Axion Bolt
A bolt of Void Light that forks on impact into smaller bolts that seek out targets.
Magnetic Grenade
A grenade that attaches to targets and explodes twice.
Suppressor Grenade
An explosive grenade that suppresses, preventing targets from using abilities for a short time.
Scatter Grenade
A grenade that splits into many submunitions and covers a large area with multiple explosions.
Void Spike
A grenade that attaches to any surface and emits a torrent of damaging Void Light.
Void Wall
A grenade that creates a horizontal wall of burning Void Light.
Vortex Grenade
A grenade that creates a Vortex that pulls targets inward and continuously damages those trapped inside.
Trapper's Ambush
The eyes which bear down upon you from a place you cannot see. Ensnare your enemies before they can see you coming.
Activate Quickfall to spend your melee charge and dive to the ground, creating a large smoke cloud on impact, which then dissipates. Targets caught in the cloud are weakened, and allies are made invisible.
Your Smoke Bomb makes nearby allies invisible when it attaches to nearby surfaces or targets.
Vanishing Step
The wiles of a seasoned interlocutor; dodge any unwanted affronts and slip by unseen.
Dodging makes you invisible.
Stylish Executioner
The boast which sucks the air from the room. Let your enemies know your might before you take them down.
Defeating a weakened, suppressed, or volatile target grants Invisibility and Truesight.
After performing a Stylish Execution, your next melee attack while invisible weakens targets.
Echo of Vigilance
Defeating a target while your shields are depleted grants you a temporary Void overshield.
-10 Recovery
Echo of Cessation
Finisher final blows create a burst of Void damage that causes nearby combatants to become volatile.
The Bladedancers deride us as slow. The Gunslingers say we lack precision. "How is that better than a knife?" "How is that better than a flaming pistol?" Well.
My boots sink inches into the ground with every step. My rebreather filters the stench out of the air, but my eyes sting like I'm showering with battery acid.
"We're almost there," my Ghost chirps. My jaw clenches. I know we're almost there, Little Light.
This vile marsh opens to reveal a black cave's maw. Inside, an infinite number of little green eyes flicker like bad stars. CRACK! I fire a single bullet into the air and the horde in the cave shrieks and runs out.
"This is it, you two." The Warlock and Titan leap from the bog behind me. A Bow appears in my hands, and I let a single binding shot loose from the shadow.
Now there are Orbs of Power everywhere. Eat, my friends. Eat.