This category page contains all items in Destiny 2 that are either missing sources or require more details on how to obtain them.
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All items (341)
- A Cloak Called Home
- A Cold Sweat
- A Sudden Death
- A Swift Verdict
- Aachen-LR2
- Abacus Shell
- Acantha-D
- ACD/0 Feedback Fence (Destiny 2)
- Adverse Possession IX
- Agenda 5
- Aggressive Shell
- Agrona PR2
- Airhead Hood
- Allegro-34
- Amo Ludere Shell
- An Insurmountable Skullfort (Destiny 2)
- Ankaa Seeker IV (Chest Armor)
- Ankaa Seeker IV (Gauntlets)
- Ankaa Seeker IV (Leg Armor)
- Annihilating Greaves
- Annihilating Guard
- Annihilating Helm
- Annihilating Plate
- Anti-Extinction Boots
- Anti-Extinction Gauntlets
- Anti-Extinction Gloves
- Anti-Extinction Grasps
- Anti-Extinction Greaves
- Anti-Extinction Helm
- Anti-Extinction Hood
- Anti-Extinction Legs
- Anti-Extinction Mask
- Anti-Extinction Plate
- Anti-Extinction Robes
- Anti-Extinction Vest
- Antiope-D
- Armillary PSu
- Arms of Optimacy (Hunter)
- Arms of Optimacy (Titan)
- Arms of Optimacy (Warlock)
- Aspirant Boots
- Aspirant Gloves
- Aspirant Helm
- Aspirant Robes
- At Least It's a Cape
- Atalanta-D
- Atgeir 2T1 (Chest Armor)
- Atgeir 2T1 (Gauntlets)
- Atgeir 2T1 (Helmet)
- Atgeir 2T1 (Leg Armor)
- Atgeir Mark
- Atonement Tau (Chest Armor)
- Atonement Tau (Gauntlets)
- Atonement Tau (Helmet)
- Atonement Tau (Leg Armor)
- Autumn Wind
- Avalon Shell
- Azimuth DSu
- Bad News
- Badlands Mk.24
- Baligant
- Ballyhoo Mk.27
- Baseline Mark
- Bayesian MSu
- Be Thy Champion
- Be Thy Guide
- Belfry Bounty
- Berenger's Memory
- Binary Phoenix Bond
- Binary Phoenix Cloak
- Black Scorpion-4sr
- Black Shield Mark
- Black Talon
- Black Tiger-2sr
- Blue Moon Shell
- Blue Shift
- Bold Shell
- Bond of Chiron
- Bond of Forgotten Wars
- Bond of Insight
- Bond of Optimacy
- Bond of Refuge
- Bond of Sekris
- Bond of Symmetry
- Bond of the Emperor's Minister
- Bond of the Raven Shard
- Bond Relentless
- Boots of Feltroc
- Boots of Sekris
- Boots of the Emperor's Agent
- Boots of the Emperor's Minister
- Botheration Mk.28
- Brave Titan Gauntlets
- Brave Titan Greaves
- Brave Titan Helm
- Brave Titan Plate
- Breastplate of the Emperor's Champion
- Bushwhacker
- Butler RS/2
- Cadenza-11
- Cadenza-43
- Captaincy Shell
- Cartesian Coordinate
- Channeling Cowl
- Channeling Wraps
- Chiron's Cure (Chest Armor)
- Chiron's Cure (Gauntlets)
- Chiron's Cure (Helmet)
- Chiron's Cure (Leg Armor)
- Circular Time Shell
- Classical-42
- Cloak Judgment
- Cloak of Feltroc
- Cloak of Retelling
- Cloak of the Emperor's Agent
- Cloak Relentless
- Commanding Star Shell
- Competitive Shell (Destiny 2)
- Complex Solution
- Conjecture TSc
- Controlling Vision
- Copperhead-4sn
- Coronation Bond
- Coronation Cloak
- Coronation Mark
- Cosmic Wind (Gauntlets)
- Cosmic Wind (Helmet)
- Countess SA/2
- Crimil's Dagger (Year 1)
- Critical Sass
- Crooked Fang-4fr
- Cuboid ARu
- Cup-Bearer SA/2