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From the confines of your mind, reality bends, and fate you bind.
― In-game description

Broodweaver is the Strand-based Subclass for Warlocks, introduced in Destiny 2 Lightfall.

Strand Warlock background

Strand Warlock background.


If it's an army I want, it's an army I get. Little friends on demand, allies on speed dial. No accomplice is more loyal than the one I pluck from the sprawling weave of the universe.

Am I my creations? I fill their minds, though I remain undivided. I feel their movements and their pain, yet I stand still, unharmed.

The sensations of manifestation are odd. I understand where my body begins and where it ends, but the lines are now stretched, as if I am wound into the very air around me. The strings of my will extend in every direction, and when pulled taut, the puppet master begins their show.


Needlestorm icon Needlestorm
Conjure a hail of deadly woven needles.

After embedding themselves in the environment, the needles will re-weave into a host of Threadlings.
Threadlings you create will return to you and perch if they can't find any nearby targets. Damaging targets with your weapons or melee will send out perched Threadlings to attack.


Additional Strand Grenades, Abilities, Aspects, and Fragments can be purchased at the Pouka Pond in the Hall of Heroes on Neptune after completing the Lightfall campaign.

Class Abilities[]

Healing Rift Stasis Healing Rift
Conjure a well of Light that continuously heals those inside it.
Empowering Rift Stasis Empowering Rift
Conjure a well of Light that increases weapon damage for those inside it.

Movement Abilities[]

Burst Glide Stasis Burst Glide
Jump while airborne to activate Glide and start an airborne drift with a strong initial boost of speed.
Strafe Glide Stasis Strafe Glide
Jump while airborne to activate Glide and start an airborne drift with strong directional control.
Balanced Glide Stasis Balanced Glide
Jump while airborne to activate Glide and start an airborne drift with both moderate speed and directional control.


Arcane Needle Arcane Needle
Sling a woven needle that will embed in your target, unraveling them. Activate your melee ability again to chain up to two additional attacks.


Shackle Grenade Shackle Grenade
A thrown weapon of weighted Strand matter that detonates on impact, suspending targets and creating additional suspending subprojectiles.
Threadling Grenade Threadling Grenade
A woven projectile that reweaves itself into Threadlings while in flight.
Grapple Grapple
Weave a grappling hook, and quickly pull yourself forward. Grappling to a Tangle immediately recharges your grenade energy.

During and shortly after grappling, your melee attack deals area damage and unravels targets.


Weaver's Call Aspect icon Weaver's Call
Your call weaves a path into existence. A chirp rings out, eager to answer.
  • Cast your Rift to weave three Threadlings and deploy any Threadlings you have perched.
Mindspun Invocation Aspect icon Mindspun Invocation
Formless, shapeless… until you say otherwise. Shape reality as you see fit.
  • Your grapple, Shackle Grenade, and Threadling Grenade have enhanced functionality.
    • Your grapple melee spawns three Threadling eggs.
    • Hold to consume your Shackle Grenade and activate Weaver's Trance. Final blows while Weaver's Trance is active create a suspending detonation.
    • Hold to consume your Threadling Grenade and immediately generate five perched Threadlings.
The Wanderer Aspect icon The Wanderer
A ring of twisted silver, set with a glittering emerald. Deftly, expertly, effortlessly—one possibility is unsewn and another is born.
  • Tangles you throw attach to targets and detonate into a suspending burst. Destroying a Tangle creates a suspending burst after a short delay.
  • Threadling final blows create a Tangle.
Weavewalk Aspect icon Weavewalk
A small carved effigy of a Pouka, found in the Neomuna wreckage. With clarity of mind, you stride between this world and the next.
  • Dodge while airborne to consume your melee energy and enter the weave, gaining damage resistance from combatants and players. Reactivate your air dodge or cast your Rift to exit the weave.
  • While in the weave, your melee energy is drained and you generate perched Threadlings over time.


Thread of Mind icon Thread of Mind
Defeating suspended targets grants class ability energy.
Thread of Fury icon Thread of Fury
Damaging targets with a Tangle grants melee energy.
  • -10 Strength
Thread of Ascent icon Thread of Ascent
Activating your grenade ability reloads your equipped weapon and grants bonus airborne effectiveness and handling for a short duration.
  • +10 Mobility
Thread of Finality icon Thread of Finality
Finisher final blows create Threadlings.
  • +10 Recovery
Thread of Warding icon Thread of Warding
Picking up an Orb of Power grants Woven Mail.
  • -10 Resilience
Thread of Wisdom icon Thread of Wisdom
Defeating suspended targets creates an Orb of Power.
Thread of Rebirth icon Thread of Rebirth
Strand weapon final blows have a chance to create a Threadling.
Thread of Transmutation icon Thread of Transmutation
While you have Woven Mail, weapon final blows create a tangle.
  • +10 Strength
Thread of Propagation icon Thread of Propagation
Powered melee final blows grant your Strand weapons Unraveling Rounds.
  • +10 Strength
Thread of Evolution icon Thread of Evolution
Threadlings travel farther and deal additional damage.
  • +10 Intellect
Thread of Isolation icon Thread of Isolation
Landing rapid precision hits emits a severing burst from the target.
Thread of Binding icon Thread of Binding
Super final blows emit a suspending burst from the target.
  • +10 Resilience
Thread of Generation icon Thread of Generation
Dealing damage generates grenade energy.
  • -10 Discipline
Thread of Continuity icon Thread of Continuity
Suspend, unravel, and sever effects applied to targets have increased duration.

Subclass-Specific Exotics[]

Threadlings spawn from Tangles and unravel targets.
Arcane Needles cause a suspending detonation.


